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Fix Pain with 3 Easy StepsFix Pain With 3 easy steps (Part 1 Mobility)When we are talking about

Fix Pain with 3 Easy Steps

Fix Pain With 3 easy steps  (Part 1 Mobility)

When we are talking about pain, we must first establish the types of pain we are dealing with. The first one is an acute pain. This is when we injure ourselves or something occurs during the workout. Then we have Chronic pain. This is when you come in and the knee bothers you over and over. The example every time you squat your knee hurts or your back hurts during squat. When it comes to pain, it is not normal to hurt, and you can fix it. There are 3 easy steps 

1. Find the Root Cause - The first thing you must do is find out why something hurts. For example, when squatting and the knee hurts, we would examine what is causing the issue. Let’s say we tested the ankle and it doesn’t have good mobility. 

2. Work on Mobility - Now that we have found the root cause of the issue when you squat, the ankle, now its time to see what exercises helps. This where I have a few favorites for the ankle myself but something else may be your root cause. I would typically start with a seated calf raise full range of motion, Combat stretch and working the anterior tib.

3. Practice the skill – When it comes to getting better at working out and fixing the range of Motion that bothers you, you must practice the skill of the movement. You can do all the mobility exercises in the world but if you don’t practice the movements you want to get better at, you simply will not.

These are very simple steps to fixing pain but what is important is if you feel pain it is your body’s sign of telling you that there is something wrong.  

Bonus Mobility Tips

The relaxation of certain muscle groups is important when dealing with pain and learning how to do the range.  Here 3 types

Myofascial releases/Massage  – This is like using the foam roller, lacrosse ball, etc. The way it works is the body is getting applied pressure from an outside tool. By applying the body pressure in a certain area the body sends a signal to the brain to relax the muscle. All we know is the CNS is telling the body chill out. This can help you get into the movement you want to get into and teach yourself better patterns.

Static stretching – By stretching, it can create temporary relief by sending a signal to the CNS to relax the muscle. This can help you get into the movement you want to get into and teach yourself better patterns.

Active Stretching – By activating one muscle it allows for the deactivation of the other. Teaching the CNS what you want to occur. For example, in an active pigeon you are not just stretching that front leg hip but activating the external rotation. Teaching the glute what you want from it. 



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